
Angelo Conrado Loula

PhD and MSc in Computer Engineering (State University of Campinas - UNICAMP)

Researcher and Professor

Intelligent and Cognitive Systems Lab (LASIC)

Informatics Area, Department of Exact Sciences - DEXA

State University of Feira de Santana - UEFS, Brasil

Coordinator of the Group for Research in Artificial Cognition (GRACo)

Coordinator of the Group for Basic and Applied Research in Inteligent Systems (GPBASI)

Lattes Curriculum (portuguese)

Profile at Google Citations, Microsoft Academic, LinkedIn, Academia.edu

Teaching (ensino e aulas)

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Selected Publications

(check GRACo publications)


My research involves topics around artificial intelligence, data science, natural language, and interdisciplinary applications.

* Simulation of the emergence of language, communication and semiotic processes

* Digital Humanities, Natural Language Processing, Natural Language

* Educational serious games and simulations, particularly related to science education.

* Artificial Cognition (see Group for Research on Artificial Cognition)

* Computational Semiotics and Intelligent Systems (see Computational Semiotics Group)

* Computational Intelligence (Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computation and Fuzzy Systems)

* Text Mining and Web Mining

* Recommendation, Sentiment Analysis

* Embodied and situated cognition

* Complex adaptive systems and self-organization of cognitive competences.


PhD in Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering specialization) (2011) at DCA/ FEEC/ UNICAMP, Brazil.

MSc in Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering specialization) (2003) at DCA/ FEEC/ UNICAMP, Brazil.

Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (2000) at the DEE/ ENG/ UFBA , Brazil.

Technologist in Computing (1997) at FRB, Brazil.

PhD Thesis

Angelo Loula (2011). Emergência de Comunicação e Representações em Criaturas Artificiais (Emergence of Communication and Representations in Artificial Creatures). PhD Thesis. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, State University of Campinas. Presented on Oct 30, 2011. (in portuguese) (pdf file)

MSc Thesis

Angelo Loula (2004). Comunicação Simbólica entre Criaturas Artificiais: um experimento em Vida Artificial (Symbolic Communication among Artificial Creatures: an Artificial Life experiment). MSc Thesis. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, State University of Campinas. Presented on Jan 30, 2004 (in portuguese) (pdf file) - Biblioteca Digital da Unicamp

The experiments I proposed are based in an ALife project called the Symbolic Creatures Simulation.


DEXA-UEFS/Módulo 5

Av. Transnordestina, S/N

Novo Horizonte

CEP: 44.036.900

Feira de Santana - BA - Brasil


EMAIL: angelocl [emailAT] ecomp.uefs.br

Phone: +55-75-3161-8177 (office) / +55-75-3161-8086 (department)

